Mar 192012
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Dick Dorm

  4 Responses to “Real,smooth amateur boys having real hot sex…”

  1. That lad with the tattoo knows how to get a cock hot and wet so it goes up the pie hole with the greatest of ease.The only thing I find wrong here is that is not my pie hole.Some days you get it and some you don’t.

  2. There’s nothing like a top who is so blessed with size that he doesn’t really have to be concerned with being in the exact optimum position. He merely needs to be in the same room with his lover to casually mount up! This boi is endowed in this way… It also makes for excellent making out, as he can be more in position for it and still easily keep his body coupled with his bottom’s. My favorite was when they spooned and fucked. You can go at it for a lonnng time in this position, which is of course the way I like it!

  3. That top lad had a really big cock but his bf just took it so easy peasy. Think he’s been well fucked on numerious occasions!

  4. adorei essa pica ela e td que eu quero ai eu imagino ela dento do meu cu um um delicia

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