Loved his primal pelvic thrusts as he’s masturbating, watching his balls move to the firing position, and seeing him enjoy finishing off his pleasure-ride with some stroking with his own fresh, warm, slick natural lube!
Mike:I take it this one you like.This lads is one after my own heart.I love the fingering of his boy hole and how he keeps cleaning off his fingers,and going back for more.He is quite Ambidextrous in this department. Hope to see more of him.
Loved his primal pelvic thrusts as he’s masturbating, watching his balls move to the firing position, and seeing him enjoy finishing off his pleasure-ride with some stroking with his own fresh, warm, slick natural lube!
Mike:I take it this one you like.This lads is one after my own heart.I love the fingering of his boy hole and how he keeps cleaning off his fingers,and going back for more.He is quite Ambidextrous in this department. Hope to see more of him.
Spent so much time, fingering and rubbing his ass that we didn’t really his squirt! Quite a nice cock tho! Mind those sunglasses look fucking stupid!
I noticed that he’s wearing a ring on the right hand ringfinger – is that a kind of ‘secret sign’ or just an adornment