Aug 162012
[Flash 10 is required to watch video]

Dick Dorm

  3 Responses to “Hung teen playing…”

  1. Wow! That’s a long one. When that thickens out it will be a real monster. Bet that teen is proud of that weapon!

  2. That lad has one hell of a cock that he can play with. I bet he could almost fuck himself with that toy. I could be wrong,but he seems to be pretty much of a hands off lad. I know he could get more juice out of that monster if he gave it more tender love. I would love to show him just how it’s done.

  3. With his potential for ease of deep penetration and his well-practiced pelvic-thrusting, this one is a procreation machine! But I’ve other things in mind for him. Several times he “assumes the position,” on all fours with legs open so he’s on full display from behind. This is one of my favorite ways to position a boi, to give him complete, slobbering, intensive oral! (I also enjoy receiving it this way… Nothing like the experience of a good rimming/ cock-sucking from BEHIND). Finally, the girth and curve of his cockmeat is perfect for one of my specialties… I’d love to give this one the gift of his first deep-throat penetration… open my throat to him and let him do his thing!

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